Hand & Wrist | Dr Saikat Jena

Surgical Facilities

At our surgical facility, we are proud to offer the highest level of care and expertise when it comes to surgeries. Our team use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the intricate structures of the human limbs, we are confident in our ability to diagnose and treat even the most complex conditions.

Enhanced Quality Care Service

Hand & Wrist

TFCC injury

A TFCC injury is damage to the triangle fibrocartilage complex, which is a group of ligaments, cartilage, and tendons on the ulnar side (pinky finger side) of the wrist. The TFCC keeps the wrist joint stable and helps it move in the right way. Injuries caused by TFCC: Pain on the outside of the wrist (ulnar side), clicking or catching sounds or feelings when the wrist moves, Weak grip strength and limited wrist range of motion, especially when turning. If the injury is serious or doesn't get better with simple treatments, wrist arthroscopy surgery may be needed to fix or remove damaged tissue.

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DRUJ Instability:

Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability, or DRUJ instability, is a problem. Near the wrist, between the radius and the ulna, there is a joint called the Distal Radioulnar Joint (DRUJ). It is in charge of turning the forearm and is very important for many daily tasks that require the forearm to move. Some of the signs of DRUJ instability are: Pain in the hand and wrist, less ability to hold on, If you feel like your wrist is clicking or popping, Problems with turning the wrist or palm up and down, Instability or the feeling that the wrist is "giving way"

The best way to treat DRUJ instability may depend on how bad it is and what's causing it. Non-surgical treatments may include rest, immobilisation with a splint or cast, physical therapy to improve the muscles around the injury, and pain and inflammation-relieving drugs.

When there is a lot of instability or when conservative methods don't work, surgery may be an option. The goal of surgery is to fix or rebuild the broken ligaments to stabilize the joint and get it working right again.

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