What is TECAR Therapy?

TECAR (Transfer of Electric Charge and Resistance) therapy is an advanced form of physical therapy that incorporates capacitive and resistive energy transfer at high frequencies. Using the body’s natural electrical properties, this method stimulates tissue repair and promotes healing. By employing an external electromagnetic field, TECAR therapy induces physiological responses in the patient’s bioelectrical system.

How does the TECAR therapy work?

TECAR therapy operates primarily through capacitive and resistive transfer mechanisms. Resistive transfer targets deeper structures such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments, whereas capacitive transfer affects superficial tissues such as the epidermis and subcutaneous layers.

1. Capacitive Transfer: TECAR therapy generates an oscillating electrical field by utilising a capacitive electrode. This micro-massage effect promotes vasodilation, enhanced local blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage. Moreover, it promotes collagen synthesis and tissue regeneration by stimulating fibroblast activity.

2. Resistive Transfer: TECAR therapy delivers high-frequency energy to deep tissues via a resistive electrode. The resultant heat causes vasodilation, increases metabolic activity, and raises the temperature of the tissue. This increases cellular activity, accelerates the healing process, decreases pain, and increases joint mobility.


Who requires TECAR treatment? What do the facts indicate?

TECAR therapy has shown effective in treating a number of diseases that physiotherapists commonly encounter. Let’s examine some clinical applications and the supporting evidence for the efficacy of TECAR therapy:

1. Musculoskeletal Disorders: TECAR therapy has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of tendinopathies, myofascial pain syndrome, joint contractures, and osteoarthritis. A randomised controlled trial published in the Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (2019) found that patients with chronic low back pain who received TECAR therapy combined with exercise had reduced pain and enhanced function (Cunha et al., 2019).

2. Sports-Related Injuries: TECAR therapy expedites recovery and facilitates a quicker return to play. Schober et al. (2020) discovered in a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training that TECAR therapy effectively reduced pain and improved function in athletes with patellar tendinopathy.

3. Rehabilitation following Surgery: TECAR therapy promotes tissue healing, decreases pain, and increases range of motion. A randomised clinical trial published in the Journal of Arthroscopy and Related Surgery (2017) demonstrated that patients undergoing knee arthroscopy who received TECAR therapy had enhanced functional outcomes and reduced pain (Peas-Prado et al., 2017).

Note: TECAR therapy is an innovative form of physiotherapy that employs bioelectrical properties to promote tissue regeneration and enhance outcomes. TECAR therapy has demonstrated efficacy in treating musculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, and postoperative rehabilitation due to its unique capacitive and resistive transfer mechanisms. Continuing research is anticipated to further establish TECAR therapy as a valuable treatment modality, enabling physiotherapists to provide superior care and accelerate the healing process.

Always consult a healthcare professional or physiotherapist for individualized recommendations and treatment options.

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